When searching for the right school, we know you have many questions. Our goal is to give you the answers you need so you can make the most educated choice. Here’s a brief list of Futures Academy's most frequently asked questions to help you find quick answers. Please contact us to answer more in-depth questions or better yet, schedule an appointment to visit your local campus. Touring the campus, talking with the Director, staff, instructors and students makes all the difference in helping you make the right decision.

Part-time tutoring, full-time schooling, courses for credit, test prep, college and grad school planning, and more. We deliver an array of educational services with one goal in mind: to help students do their very best in every aspect of their education. We are mentoring, personalized, and effective. Our students acquire skills for today, feed their curiosity, and develop learning habits to support an independent, fulfilling life.

All Stars was founded in Miami, Florida as All Stars Education Consulting in 2017. Since then, we have helped thousands of students reach their full potential and empowered them to take control of their education.

All Stars Education Academy curriculum is best defined by two things: mentoring interactions and individualization. Our classrooms are as small as 1-on-1, and grow no larger than 6-on-1! That translates into highly personalized education in a caring, secure environment. We serve students at every level, from high functioning ASD to the highest achieving, and everything in between. 

Teachers, tutors, and mentors are degreed professionals with a passion for teaching. They evoke the very best from students. We primarily engage students one-on-one — and also offer very small group learning opportunities in our schools and test-prep workshops. Using the best resources available, we cater our work to a student’s individual learning style and schedule. From remedial to AP, our teachers guide students to perform at the top of their ability.

We offer open enrollment so we can serve students anytime they are in need, not just once a semester. Because of this, the number of students fluctuates month to month. 

Our students come from many different backgrounds and bring a wide range of learning styles and abilities. We benefit students with learning challenges such as ADHD, Dyslexia, and social anxiety, as well as accelerated students who need AP courses and advanced curriculum. We also benefit students who need flexible schedules like actors and professional athletes. All kinds of students, from gifted to remedial, attend All Stars Education Academy, and all of them find success!

All Stars has a year-round, open enrollment policy. Students create a personalized schedule to accommodate their optimum learning times. Appointment times are available during the following times:

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 

Virtually every subject at virtually every level! From remedial classes to every AP course, we have you covered (we can even help you when you’re in college).

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